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Beekeeping has been recognised as a therapeutic activity for individuals suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
While it may not be a formal treatment, many people with PTSD have reported experiencing positive effects from engaging in beekeeping.
Here are some potential benefits:
Mindfulness and Stress Reduction:
Beekeeping requires focus and attention, which can act as a form of mindfulness. By being fully present and attentive while working with the bees, individuals can temporarily shift their focus away from traumatic memories or intrusive thoughts, leading to reduced stress levels.
Connection with Nature:
Beekeeping provides an opportunity to connect with nature, fostering a sense of tranquillity and peace. The calming environment and rhythmic hum of the bees can have a soothing effect on those experiencing PTSD symptoms.
Routine and Structure:
Establishing a routine through beekeeping can help individuals with PTSD regain a sense of structure and purpose in their lives. Having regular tasks and responsibilities related to beekeeping can promote a sense of accomplishment and stability.
Social Interaction:
Beekeeping can be a social activity, allowing individuals to connect with other beekeepers
or members of the community. Social support is crucial for people with PTSD, and engaging in beekeeping can lead to new friendships and a sense of belonging.
Therapeutic Environment:
The act of caring for the bees and tending to the hives can create a therapeutic environment that encourages relaxation and reduces anxiety. Working with the bees can serve as a gentle exposure therapy, helping individuals overcome fears and anxieties.
Physical Activity:
Beekeeping involves various physical tasks, such as lifting hive boxes, inspecting frames,and maintaining the apiary. Engaging in regular physical activity can have positive effects on mental health, including reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Sense of Purpose:
Beekeeping provides a meaningful and purposeful activity that can help individuals with PTSD find a renewed sense of meaning in their lives. Caring for the bees and contributing to the local ecosystem can give a sense of fulfilment and value.
It's essential to note that while beekeeping may offer benefits for some individuals with PTSD, it is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. Those dealing with PTSD should always seek guidance and support from qualified mental health professionals to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Additionally, beekeeping involves potential risks and physical demands, so it's crucial for individuals to receive proper training and take necessary safety precautions before engaging
in this activity.

As a WO2 and current serving member of the Armed Forces having done 22yrs, my life has become somewhat chaotic, whether that be family life or work commitments.
In recent years I have started an allotment as it brings a level of calm to my otherwise busy life.
Meeting Dave by chance at Chatsworth Country Fair and discussing my new interest into beekeeping was great, and this spurred me on to take a days beekeeping course with him in Sheffield.
The knowledge Dave has gathered in a relatively short space of time is fantastic, coupled with his military background makes you engage with the course and want to learn more. Slightly nervous about delving into the home of several thousand bees was put to rest as Dave confidently prepares you to inspect hives and handle the bees soon after arriving for the day.
The hands on approach is great for those wishing to do this as a hobby because it allows you a quick insight into what is expected as a beekeeper, the knowledge will build over time, but to handle the bees is an experience in itself.
You can tell from his demeanour, he wants to help and share his passion for bees, so all who attend his course can experience the fascinating and calming effect this hobby has to offer.
WO2 ET (MESM) M J Firth

I am currently serving in the RAF and have spent most of my 22 years on operational flying squadrons.
I met David 20 years ago and after he left the military it was clear that he had a great passion for all aspects of beekeeping. Being employed on flying squadrons and deploying worldwide means that family time is vitally important to me.
David provided a days beekeeping for me and my son and it was a fantastic experience. David is very passionate about his bees and also very knowledgeable. He has a calm demeanour and instantly puts you at ease when handling hives containing thousands of bees.
My son and I had a very enjoyable day and after David's pre course briefing we were able to safely handle bees and their hives whilst identifying brood areas, nectar stores and finding the Queen Bee.
SGT Faulkner - RAF